Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I've been sculpting this past week and I've also been dabbling with the paint when I get the urge to switch gears. This is one of the figures I hope to finish today..."Web-ster". "Web-ster" still needs his bucket painted and another little attachment in his other hand, which is finally dry. (We are in a flood warning today if that gives you a clue how much rain we have had the last 5 days along with high humidity levels, which really doesn't let the paper mache dry.)

"Web-ster" is a spider whisperer. He has drawn spiders close to him since he was just a tiny nub on the pumpkin vine. They have always created lovely lace patterns for "Web-ster" and he proudly wears their designs on his hat, bow tie and lapel. He also usually carries a few arachnid fellows on him, and is frequently seen with a group that follows him wherever he goes. If you listen closely in the evenings you can hear "Web-ster" humming a little spidey-tune to entice them to spin their silken magic...after all, every good spook needs a lovely spun web. It's turned into quite a business for "Web-ster" and his eight-legged pals.

Hope you like him!


  1. Another winner!
    Wishing you some good weather :)

  2. Really Love Webster Wonderful job as always!

  3. Thank you all...still working on his additions! I was bad and as I was waiting for the paint to dry I started the face of another pumpkin boy with a top hat! When will I learn?!!

  4. Like him Laurie I love him!!!!

    You will never cease to amaze me with your talents.... never!
    : ) Pattee

  5. Laurie! LOL! I have about 30 things in various stages of 'doneness'. Webster is adorable, and I love his spider bow tie. :) xo - Pam

  6. HMMMMMM I my be humming a spidy tune all day too !!! Now that I have Met Web-ster Too Wonderfully detailed!!
