Monday, September 23, 2013

A Sure Sign I'm Getting Older

As a child I clearly remember my mother telling me that time passes faster and faster the older one gets.  I clearly didn't comprehend what she was saying because summer seemed to drag on forever and some days moved like cold molasses. Well, guess what, mother was a genius and I am no longer able to say that a single day passes slowly.  Time moves at warp speed now and suddenly this coming weekend is Ghoultide Gathering in Chelsea, Michigan.  Clearly I am getting older as it feels like just a few weeks ago it was only the first of June.  Oh dear.

I promised you some previews so here they are....

 there are crows......

 giggling pumpkin boys....

 pumpkins dressed like kitties....

 trick or treating squash,....

 cats and....

 pumpkin boys.....

 a waving pumpkin ....

 wheeled kitties....

and wheeled crows, just to show you a few of the new works that will be offered to Halloween collectors this weekend.  

I wish you could all make the trip and feel the magic created by this wonderful group of artists I feel so fortunate to be included amongst. They always make me want to work harder each year in an attempt to elevate my work to a new level because of their excellence.  When I get home I'll be working on new designs because I'm getting older and the next Ghoultide will be before I know it!  Mom is a genius.

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are!


  1. Absolutely adore the kitty pumpkin!!! Do let me know if he doesn't find a home at Ghoultide :)

  2. Hey there....loved the preview...I hope to attend Ghoultide one of these years...have fun! Cheers, Susan

  3. You are incredibly talented, Laurie. Love your creations!
