Sunday, March 14, 2021

Two Bunnies and a Poser!!




Welcome to the Artistry of Three's

Spring Show!! 

The works being offered are one-of-a-kind originals created without the use of molds.  They are hand painted using multiple layers of glazes on each design and are filled with detail.  I'm still working away at home in the studio, but only managed 3 Spring Characters.  I hope you discover a piece to begin your collection or to add to an existing collection.
 Thank you!    

 To Purchase:

To purchase one of the following works you simply email me with the 
title of the work in the subject line and I will sell each work to the 
first email received requesting each piece.
***  Please indicate in your email your PayPal address ***

Send your request to:      

(this is not a link as blogger will no longer allow me to provide one)


1.   I.M.A. Bunny Sr.

It has been a very long time since I have created
 a bunny, or for that matter, a spring group 
of characters!!
The figure and eggs are hand sculpted from 
paper mache, 
hand painted by me and
because of me dropping the paper mache basket
on a hardwood floor while photographing, 
this is one of three handwoven baskets 
I have ever created.   
His ruffled collar is also a new design for me.
Lots of details in this one!!  

21.25" x 4.5" x 4.25"

SOLD $425 plus shipping/handling

2.  Benjamin Bunny
I.M.A. Bunny II is the first born of  I.M Bunny Sr., and really
gets his looks from his mother.   He loves his ruffled
collar and the top photo is actually the truer interpretation of
his paint colors. 
He is hand made of paper mache, and as with
his father, he now carries a handwoven basket
to carry his eggs because of a dropped basket handle.
I'm so glad I took basketmaking 101 in school.
Plenty of detail in this little guy as well!! 
20.25" x 4.5"  x 4.5"

SOLD $425 plus shipping/handling

3. Harold, The Bunny Poser
Those of you that know my work know that I create 
primarily Halloween works or characters.  I had this little 
lumina pumpkin head begging to join the party, and I knew he was trying
to tell me that if you can play dress up at Halloween, why not Easter?
He is dressed like his bunny companions, but
his head shape, stem and 
painted nose are a dead giveaway that he is only
pretending to be a bunny.
He is carrying the first handwoven basket from the studio...
not because I broke his original basket, but because I 
didn't like it.  He also has hours and hours of paint to
give him his soft bunny, I mean pumpkin, glow.
He needs a good home.
20.5"  x 4.5" x 4.5"

SOLD  $425 plus shipping/handling

Thank you for your consideration and have a happy Spring!!!

I'm ready for those plants to pop up and say hello to 2021!!



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