Squish Squash got his body colors yesterday and here he is...still minus his little bucket which is outside drying. He has a little orange cape that goes over his vest and of course has a bow tie to cover his skinny little neck. You will also notice that his arms and fingers look spindly and vine-like.
When I first made the head my husband said it reminded him of a conehead, but I was just going for a big head to hold lots of brains. Kind of like the intellect of the squash family. You see, there are terribly nasty squash vine borers and cucumber beetles that carry viruses that kill the entire vine and consequently all of the squash. So in my crazy little brain I dream up that nature being as wonderful as it is, develops this "super smart" squash (still with me) that also due to the size of it's head is heavier than normal. This smart little squash has the ability to recognize these nasty pests in the garden and can roll over and squish the nasty bugs before they can do any damage, thus protecting his brothers and sisters on the vine. Because this little guy was the first to develop this technique he was given the nickname, "Squish." He is a proud little guy and very willing to share his knowledge and that explains him being all dressed up...he is now doing a lecture tour to gardens around the country. He just might show up in your neighborhood so keep an eye out for him...I know the bugs are!!
Have a great week!!
Happy New Year!
2 weeks ago