I have been painting on a group of paper-
mache "wabbits" the last two weeks and finished up last night by putting them on the counter with a group of porcelain eggs for a possible photo shoot this morning. I've been fighting a wicked head cold so I was a little fuzzy while doing this. Let's face it, I was more focused about getting into bed. When I walked in for my morning cup of coffee today, the partially painted "
Bunnicula", as William referred to him, just made me laugh. I hadn't even realized last night that he looked like he was making a Halloween egg offering to me on the counter. You know me and Halloween, anything amuses me. I think he was trying to tell me something....like, "get back to your Halloween pieces already!" I think I shall pay attention.

Which leads me to an announcement regarding my Halloween work.......I will be going to the
Ghoultide Gathering show in Michigan, Saturday, October 2, this year!! I was very excited to be invited to the Michigan show and look forward to meeting you there. Make your plans, this is going to be an awesome show filled with wonderful artists from across the country!!!
The sad part is I will not be returning to California to the Halloween and Vine show, which I loved last year.
Petaluma is gorgeous and the show partners are terrific, so even though I would like to believe they will miss me, the talent will be such that my
absence will not even be noticed. Put them both on your calendars....these are don't miss Halloween shows!!!
Back to work for me....I see I still have plenty to paint!