Ghoultide Gathering is this weekend, October 4th in Chelsea, Michigan. If you are in the area and love Halloween art it is some of the finest in the country, which I am humbled to be included as a participant. I have been working for months sculpting and painting and hope to have created something magical for collectors to enjoy. I hope to see you Saturday, and please grab my elbow to tell me hello if you make the journey!
Above is a photograph of Milton Mouse and a few other characters in the works. They are now all painted and bundled in bubble wrap to make their trek to Ghoultide.
I have a new Frankenstein figure this year that is designed more off of the Boris Karloff portrayal of the monster, and also new this year is the "Bride." Her hair looks better in person.
Count Siegfried Overbite will also be at Ghoultide to Trick or Treat this year....something tells me he is more of a trickster so I think I need to keep a watchful eye on this character!!
Edgar will also be making an appearance on my table this year....with a raven on his wrist of course and.....
Burton Bat will also be flying in to take part in the festivities. Burton is my first fully sculpted bat figure so I'm excited to add bats to my repertoire.
Many other figures and lanterns and new candy containers will also be joining the group this year.
I hope to see you in Chelsea.
For those of you unable to attend Ghoultide, I will be hosting a blog sale here on Sunday, October 12th, at 8 p.m. I will sell the works to the first collectors to email me after the sale begins on Sunday evening on a first come first serve basis. I will be posting more about the sell in the following week.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you liked what I was sharing! Hope to see you at Ghoultide!!
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