I was also interviewed on Tuesday by a local newspaper writer and the article is suppose to be in the Halloween edition next weekend. Of course the two cats weren't the least bit concerned with that interviewer and jumped on the studio table and drank from their water dish and behaved normally... very cat-like!! I had this little fellow's head loosely sitting in the cracked ornament opening and had to move it during the interview to insure I had a piece left to finish. Those two cats have an extreme interest in my art and what I'm doing!!! (They must know I pay for the cat food and kitty litter.)
I'm excited to have this piece dry so that I can put some paint on both the ornament and the Elf figure. I also plan to paint the front of the small base that the ornament will set on. Something new for me so we will see if it works!!
Well, I better get ready to set up for tomorrow's show!! Have a great weekend!
This is going to be amazing! So cute already!
Hi Laurie,
That Elf is just so CUTE!!!! I love the idea that he's coming out of the ball!
Have a great weekend!
Clever ornament, I'll check back to see the finished product!
Laurie he is wonderful~I can hardly wait to see him come to life by you.
Very cool being interviewed twice!
I hope you can get a link to the tv interview ~I'd like to see it!
Great piece! I'm so thrilled about all the media coverage...you go girl! Good luck with your show!
How exciting, oh I hope they pick up the story on NBC. I would love to see you in action! Congratulations. I bow to your greatnesss!!!
This guy is really cute!!! Can't wait to see the color on! Excitement is in the air!
Laurie!! I am so excited for you! And I wish I had thought of that elf in the ornie!! Oh that is brilliant!!
You are so good! Love it! Hope to see you on the big news!! Keep us posted!
Very nice fellow in the works! Congratulations on the media coverage!
Hey Laurie,
Congrats on the media blitz. Love the new figure can't wait to see it finished. Break a leg at the show. I'm sure you'll do well.
Great idea! And wow you're famous too! Good going!
Vishing you a VONDERFUL Hallowe'en!
SpOOky CK (-:
Fa la La La aahhhhh... Looks like you're off to a great start to the holiday that shall not be named before Halloween... hehe
Oh thank you all....the weekend show was REALLY good and now I only have one more show to finish the holiday season.
You are so right Melissa...I shall not mention the name of that other holiday before Halloween!!! *giggle*
Picture updates tomorrow!!
Oh Laurie you have made my day, wanting to win one of my witches.... you are one of my favorite artists...
Thank you~
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