Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ghoultide Gathering, 2014

Time seems to be flying by, and all of a sudden it is almost mid-April!  I have been in the studio working on Halloween figures and thought I would share.  Yep, that's right, Halloween production has already started in paper mache.  I have a few witches going, a number of pumpkin characters, a couple of owls and numerous other sketches of new figures scheduled for sculpting.

I've noticed something the last few years....I seem to be getting slower the older I'm getting.  I'd like to believe that my figures are getting more complex, but I'm afraid it just might be a wondering brain and arthritic fingers.  Regardless, things are at least getting done in the sculpting stage and I'm preparing for a period of painting to bring the characters to life.

I am also happy to share that I will be returning to Ghoultide Gathering this fall in Chelsea, Michigan.  I look forward to being a part of this wondrous event and meeting once again with such a group of "ghoulie" artists.  I think I love them as much as I love the work they create and what a wonderful gift it is to be a part of something with such great spirit.  You take the artists and add excited customers to the mix and it makes a day filled full of merriment!  We would love to see you there, so here is a link to Ghoultide Gathering's website for further details. 

Time for me to get back to the studio table to finish the sculpting!  Have a glorious weekend and a very Happy Easter.  Here is a bunny to let you know I'm still in the spirit of Spring!!!


Olga Bogoroditskaya said...

Wonderful work! Very beautiful!

Leanne E said...

Love to see the Halloween happening on your work table!!!

gibbygoo56 said...

I am in awe of your talent! LoVe it! I LOVE everything!