I have my HTML listing done for eBay, but still had so many questions regarding my first auction that I sent my questions out to auction veterans for their opinions. I will post later when I have the start date and time for the auction listings. I remember now why I hadn't done this earlier!!! HA!
What a week!! Pieces have gone out of my inventory to new homes, probably cleaner homes than mine at the moment, to begin new lives in Canada, Minnesota,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina and Missouri. I am humbled and overwhelmed with the enthusiasm that many of you expressed this week over the
SpookyTime Jingles posting for August. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and encouragement. Obviously some of our STJ artists and their friends have spread the word to their buyers about
STJ, and they gave my work a look and enjoyed it enough to purchase the little spooks and jingles. I'm speechless...and that doesn't happen with me as many of you know by now!!!!
I started this journey June 14, and I had no idea it would take me on this path that I am so happy I started. Kim, I know I have thanked you before for telling me to just do it, but something led me to you for me to hear those words and I am forever in your debt.
With that, I am going to the studio for some clay therapy. Too much time on the computer makes Laurie a dull girl! Have some cake as Sam would say, and she also insists that you not bother with forks so use your fingers, but wash the clay off first, please!!!
Have a great weekend and happy creating!