This Lumina pumpkin boy is "Alphonse." "Alphonse" makes his living at the stylish fashion house, "Bats -and -More," where all the pumpkin boys, ghouls, witches and beings of the night acquire their fine attire. (I mentioned this earlier when I introduced you to the little pumpkin boy in the piece, "I Want This One") "Alphonse" loves putting together bits and pieces of discarded mummy cloth, owl feathers, spider webs, hairballs, rat whiskers, ear wax, etc., and spinning and weaving them into new fabrics to adorn the bodies of his clients. He is quite the designer and takes pride in his personal appearance as well.

"Alphonse" is shown in one of his many designs inspired from the night sky. In this grouping, he selected the theme of the stars and placed them on his cape, kerchief and magician's cap. He then selected a coordinating vest and bow tie that accentuate, but don't detract from the star motif, plus he added a cat bucket with small stars in which he could carry his Halloween treats, and yet it compliments the total look. (A classic functional style accessory. ) If you asked him....he would tell you it was just a little something he threw together!!

"Alphonse" also loves to travel so he will be taking a trip to California...wish him luck that some fashion diva needs to give him a new home. He would love to do Tim Gunn proud!!!
Have a great weekend!!
Laurie, Is that a monkey cat I see on his treat bucket?
Tim Gunn would definitely approve, I know I do :)
He can come do my fashions anytime!
My gosh but I LOVE your imagination!!!
Laurie... I thought he was coming to OREGON!!! Bwahahahahaha caught is a monkey-cat on his bucket!!!
Sheryl, oh thank you, I will let Alphonse know!!!**giggle**
Oh David, coming from you that is such a huge compliment. Scary how much of this comes so easily. Isn't it funny how the pieces become little storytellers!
Whoops Christy, I meant Oregon...well, not that far from Oregon!!
Thanks all, Alphonse is so excited you noticed him!!!
LOVELY as always! '-)
Have a great weekend Laurie!
Chris (-:
wonderful as always my dear. He is could give my dd some fashion tips. LOL
Have a great weekend my dear. Hope to hear from you soon.
Just found your blog. Too cute. Love these little guys.
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