This is Beatrice, or as her friends call her, "Bee" Wicked. She is a sister in that line of witches known as the Wicked family, which also includes Sorta, Pretty and I.M., that you have had previous introductions to over the last few months. "Bee" is the flyer in the family. Never seen without her magical broom, she flies everywhere and carries celestial symbols on her hat to denote her love of the night sky, and also to distinguish her from other witches without her flying skills. You see, if a witch has been noted for exceptional flight aptitude (loops, touch and goes on Halloween night, flight catches of Halloween bags, etc.) they are then given stars and crescent moons to acknowledge their skill level to be placed on their hats. You will note that "Bee" already has been given two stars and a crescent moon awarded to her for her exceptional abilities. It is also partially the reason she received the nickname "Bee"...besides the fact her name is Beatrice, it is said she can fly with the agility and purpose of mission like a bee, so her nickname actually comes to her in two ways.

"Bee" is shown here with her broom, Cassandra. Cassandra has had some racing stripes placed on her handle to designate the speed in which she carries "Bee". The full figure view also shows the details on "Bee's" belt, socks and striped shirt, and the pin on her chest that is symbolic of the Arachnid flying team that she is a member of.

Hope you enjoy the peek...she is flying to Halloween and Vine.
Have a great week and we will chat at you later!!
Isn't she darling Laurie! Oh bee is gonna be fast alright. Sold fast that is. LOL She will be flying out of your hands in no time flat.
Have a wonderful week working dear.
Wickedly fun!!!!Love "Bee" have a safe trip to "Halloween and Vine"
Bugs & hisses
Thanks Pea...I have a cat particularly in love with Cassandra, the broom. It is up high right now!!!
Thank you Patty!!! I'm so excited about Halloween and Vine and creating like crazy for the show.
Back to work for me!!
Nice details!
Hi Laurie! I love "Bee" and love her story just as much! YOur colors are so beautiful and varied while still being so "Halloween!" Perfect...I love it all!
Bee is awesome! And I love her wind blown hair!
I love the whole concept of the Wicked Family. Very clever!
I'm all about the details...sometimes I have to step back to see the whole picture!!
Oh Brandi, you really know how to make me feel good!!! I love the painting aspect of these figures so much I'm glad the colors are appealing to you!
Cassie...that hair is driving my cats crazy. The minute I open a bag of those feathers I have two noses beside me in no time at all!! Feather radar!
Diane...I don't know where it all comes from, but thank goodness it comes. I have the Lumina family, the Pumpkin boys, the Wicked sisters, etc. From what my mother tells me I have been like this since childhood. Scary...huh!!!
Laurie - Bee looks like she has just been caught outside some Hollywood eatery by the paparazzi! She has that "Who? little ol' me?" look. Love her expressions and the details...fabulous!!
She does have a deer-in-headlights look...those sisters do think they are rather fabulous with that feather hair so I guess she is ready for her close up Mr. De Mille!! giggle!!
Nice hair hope it wins!!!
Chris :-)
She makes me giggle! What a wonderful doll!
Love her! ☺
She is truly beatiful! Such glamour, style, grace... and a green hue to her complexion. She is FUN!
Hi Laurie, Bee is too much! Such a wonderful witch and cute story. Her hair definately has that wind-blown look - you can tell she's a fast and frequent flier. Have a safe trip and a fabulous time!
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