Monday, August 22, 2011

A Primitive Place Magazine

The summer is coming to an end and with that comes the push to get ready for Ghoultide Gathering.  The postcards have been sent (and I'm thrilled to be on the back of this year's card!!)...

the ads are appearing in fall magazines, such as the ad in Art Doll Quarterly (Corvus Crow received some more exposure).....

and Ghoultide Gathering articles are appearing in magazines such as A Primitive Place

I was fortunate that a shelf full of my figures appeared in A Primitive Place magazine along with six other Ghoultide Gathering artists.  (Hmmm, that darn crow was in another picture!)  I purchased extra copies of the magazine to give to each collector that buys one of the featured figures on that shelf.  Hope I get to give all of the magazines away!

I have many pieces to finish in the next couple of weeks so I will just be popping in and out briefly with a few peeks of works traveling to the show.

Have a great week...I'm already thinking pumpkins, falling leaves and spiced coffee.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

PFATT Marketplace Update

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday), PFATT Marketplace opens for the month of August with new items.  I will be offering Salisbury Squash, dressed for the Ghoulie Gras, which is the grand harvest festival of vegetables on Halloween Eve.  Update: SOLD, thank you!

Salisbury is sculpted carrying his party mask and treat bucket to the festivities hosted by some of his more "seedy" friends (garden humor).  Not to worry though, the mischief is pretty harmless or Salisbury wouldn't be wearing his best suit and bow tie.

This will be my third full-sized Halloween figure offered for the year.  If you are interested, click on this link at 10 a.m. Pacific time (11 a.m.-Mountain, noon-Central and 1 p.m.-Eastern), view his price and email me with the cost in the subject line, and if you are the first to email me he will be yours!  Hope he finds a new home!

Have a great day!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Last Monday I managed to stick an exacto knife into my left hand in the joint where the index finger meets the palm of the hand.  The cut was small in width, but I took it to the bone so the impact has been worse than I had hoped.  I still can't hold a figure to paint it and can't manage to sculpt with the left hand either so I'm trying to be creative with making "holders" or "easels" to support pieces to paint while my hand heals.

Below is the figure, "Maximilian Moon", on the second orb I have painted this year.  I achieved painting him by using a large coffee mug with cling wrap placed loosely over the opening of the mug so it would keep the orb from moving or shifting as I painted.   A friend had suggested I use a pillow, but I couldn't keep the orb stable so I came up with the mug as a holder...darned if it didn't work!  A little patience (not my strong suit by any means!) and creative solutions do appear! 

Patience is being taught to me...I'm listening, I'm listening!!

Have a great week!