Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Last Monday I managed to stick an exacto knife into my left hand in the joint where the index finger meets the palm of the hand.  The cut was small in width, but I took it to the bone so the impact has been worse than I had hoped.  I still can't hold a figure to paint it and can't manage to sculpt with the left hand either so I'm trying to be creative with making "holders" or "easels" to support pieces to paint while my hand heals.

Below is the figure, "Maximilian Moon", on the second orb I have painted this year.  I achieved painting him by using a large coffee mug with cling wrap placed loosely over the opening of the mug so it would keep the orb from moving or shifting as I painted.   A friend had suggested I use a pillow, but I couldn't keep the orb stable so I came up with the mug as a holder...darned if it didn't work!  A little patience (not my strong suit by any means!) and creative solutions do appear! 

Patience is being taught to me...I'm listening, I'm listening!!

Have a great week!


Mary Ann Tate said...

Good grief!!! What a horrible injury to get. Maybe you should be wearing some kind of safety glove? Hope it heals quickly.

Your orb looks great. Love your work:)

Shirley Williams said...

Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear about your injury. Hand injuries are really scary, but you sound like you are keeping a positive outlook. I hope your cut heals rapidly and without any problems. Your work is so beautiful, no one would guess you were one-handed!

Unknown said...

What a bummer to have jabbed yourself like that. Hope you're on the mend soon! :-)

~ Deb

maddyrose said...

Looks darn good even though you were working handicapped. Don't you just hate it when you hurt yourself in a not so clever way?

Janae "The Country Hollow" said...

Three years ago I had a 97% amputation of a finger on my right hand (cut it off with a table saw) so I can relate to your problem! I to tried everything so I could still sculpt and paint. I was amazed how, after a huge struggle, how I got my left hand to finally cooperate with my mind. I now have full use of my right hand but have found I still use my left hand more than I ever have in my entire life. Hang in there it does get better but injuries always happen at the worst times!

Suzie said...

To look at your art, you wouldn't know that you have to be creative in ways to get it done! It is fantastic, as always!

I'm joining everyone else in wishing you a speedy and complete healing, and much success at Ghoultide! When I first heard about your injury, I was hoping that it wouldn't ruin your plans for showing this year. I love that you've risen to the challenge, and know that you're going to have a spectacular weekend!