Where have I been? Well on Wednesday morning I tried turning the computer on and received a fatal error...hard drive failed!!! I still don't know the outcome of what I lost and what if anything can be saved. So, if you don't hear from me it is because I'm in limbo about the computer.
I am on the deck of some friends that kindly lent me their little notebook to type a quick note. I have no email, no blogging capabilities and no addresses so hang in there with me...and so it goes!
dead blog
16 hours ago
That happened to me about a year ago... I lost so much and it's taken me forever to get some and most of it back...
I wish you well and that it will be a cinch to get back online!
Oh, Laurie - I'm so sorry! I was just wondering where you had been - I was hoping some fabulous vacation, but this stinks! Good luck!!! xo Pam
Laurie...DRAT!!!! Hope your up a running very soon!
Bugs & Hisses
Sorry to hear Laurie...Hope it all works out. I know you will still be creating though.
xoxo S
Computer problems stink! I hope that you get it squared away!
I know how you feel, that just happened to us. we had everything backed up on disc though thank god. hope all goes well.
Ooooohhh noooo! Computer problems are never good. Especially for us fans who are now missing out on what you've been creating.
Happy Birthday Laurie! Maybe a new computer would be an appropriate gift. Wishing you all my best on your big day!
Hope you get that computer fixed ASAP! '-)
Popping in to say hello & enjoy your weekend! :-)
You must be still crashed... I hate that. Always makes me crazy when it happens. Hope you're getting lots of art done. I can hear you working like crazy! ~PJ
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