I told you that Hephaestus had a Devil Pumpkin brother...his name is Rupert. Rupert is a bit less innocent than his sweet brother and chose as his companion the
skelly scepter,
Lothar is a terrible influence on Rupert and constantly inspires him to do such things as letting the air out of bike tires, stealing
children's' homework, letting dogs off of their leashes and then he lurks in corners to hear adults scold the young children accused of his doings. On Halloween night he has even been known to steal candy, scaring children and adults alike, and ringing doorbells and quickly hiding from the homeowner. He is just naughty!!!!!

This little fellow also has a pumpkin body as well as a pumpkin head. Don't let his smile fool you...he is pure mischief!!
Setting up this afternoon for Halloween and Vine...it all happens tomorrow!!!
Have a great weekend all!!
Have a great show Laurie!!
good luck at HV....love the lil guy
don't forget to enter my giveaway.
He is too cute and naughty! Love him Laurie,
I wish you the best at your show. Sell out!
I had a great show and both devil pumpkins found new homes. What a thrill Halloween and Vine was for me! I was so excited to find new collectors that added my work to their existing collections. I met so many wonderful artists and collectors I just am giddy. You can bet if Scott will have me back next year that I will be there!!!
Thank you all for your support through all of this past year...you feel like family to me!!
He's cute!!
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