Not to fear, Hephaestus is a LITTLE devil and he only does small devilish deeds. (Okay, he has been know to fling a jack-o'-lantern or two, but only if they were already rotting and begging to be put out of their shriveling misery.) He is also shown with Horace, his Bat out of He-- (I didn't name him!!). It is actually Horace that you might have to watch...he has been known to fly off with a shiny thing or two, so if you adopt him and you can't locate one of your earrings, pretty pins or car keys (so naughty), you might want to check his favorite hiding spot, which is usually right over the top of your drapes. Of course when you go to look over the drapes he will have moved them and then put the object in plain site to make you feel pretty silly for not seeing them when you looked in the same spot the first time. Maybe you have already experienced the mischief of Horace!!
Well it is off to last minute details for me and maybe a margarita. Hope to see you Saturday!
dead blog
19 hours ago
Gorgeous work, as always! Soooooooo wish I could see it in person!!
Wishing you a safe trip and fabulous show!!
~ Carolee
Oh he is so cute! I love Horace the bat! Your fun and descriptive stories are as fun as your art! Have a great show out in California!!!
What a great smile you put on him!
As hard as you've been working...have TWO margaritas!!!! Good luck at the show!
Wow, he's amazing. Hope you have a great show out in CA.
Take Care,
Tracy M.
Whine, I so wish I was going!!! You guys are gonna knock em dead!
Be sure to hug Jorge De Rojas and William Bezek and all the Pfatt Sistas and Ehagers that show up and tell it's from Gourdie....Sigh!
Your pieces are so distinctive! Great work!
Thank you all for your encouraging words of support. We set up tomorrow and I am so EXCITED!!!! I met Johanna tonight and she is a lovely young woman...can't beat that! I will meet more of the artist tomorrow and I'm just giddy. We were in Yosemite yesterday so this whole trip has been the best adventure!!
I'll keep you posted!!
Good luck @ H&V Laurie!!!
Not that you will need it. '-)
Popping in to say hello & wish you a great weekend!
Chris (-:
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